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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Simplicity is Wisdom

During a six day volunteer training session, Master Cheng Yen had barely
enough time to answer questions from general visitors. She was nonetheless
able to provide words of advice to the participants.

One volunteer, who was afflicted with a chronic disease, was anxious that
she would not be able to keep up with the pace of other volunteers. The
Master soothed her distress by saying, “Illness is inevitable. If you dwell
on the mentality of “I cannot catch up,” you will suffer both physical and
mental anguish. Rather, you should simply leave the problem of your
physical illness to your physician, and focus on volunteer work that is not
labor-intensive to ease your mind.”

In response to another woman’s question on how to gain wisdom, Master Cheng
Yen’s instruction was to keep a simple mind. “We should always keep an open
and optimistic mind, and constantly discipline ourselves to avoid negative
thoughts. It is ineffective to overload ourselves with unachievable ideas,
neither is it helpful to complicate the situation. We should simply focus
on what we can do and do it mindfully. Simplicity is wisdom.”

When a physician’s wife expressed her distress about the tension between
her and her husband, the Master urged her to broaden her heart and to bring
her husband to Tzu Chi events. “Do not waste energy over disagreements. If
we cannot expand our hearts and accommodate others, then others will not
have an opportunity to reflect upon themselves and reform. You should
lessen your frustration and guide him with wisdom.”

In response to a man’s concern over the possibility of war, the Master
maintained that “Love” is the only remedy to appease war and conflict among
human beings. Where there is love and mercy, there is harmony. Only with
unconditional kindness and compassion can world peace become possible. Tzu
Chi volunteers have been relentlessly spreading seeds of love with a firm
belief that all human beings are equal.

The future of the world depends on the tug of war between conflicts and
harmony. “The karmic influences between people or countries are interwoven.
More goodness in the world will lead to peace. If everyone is selfish and
quarrelsome, negative karma is created, which leads to wars and conflicts.”

To liberate the world from disasters is a responsibility everyone shares. “
We must help guide more people into doing good deeds. But more importantly,
we must start with ourselves. Only after we have practiced it ourselves can
we influence others by example.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Butterfly's Lesson

One day, a small oppening appeared on a cocoon; a man sat and watched for the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole.

Then, it seems to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could not go any further.

So the man decided to help the butterfly: he took a pair of scissors and opened the cocoon.

The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a withered body, it was tiny and shrivelled wings.

The man continued to watch because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would open, enlarge and expand, to be able to support the butterfly’s body, and become firm.

Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a withered body and shrivelled wings. It never was able to fly.

What the man, in his kindness and his goodwill did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening, were God’s way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings, so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.

Sometimes, struggles are exactly what we need in our life.

If God allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as we could have been. Never been able to fly.

I asked for Strength...
And God gave me difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for Wisdom...
And God gave me Problems to solve.

I asked for prosperity...
And God gave me a Brain and Brawn to work.

I asked for Courage…..
And God gave me obstacles to overcome.

I asked for Love...
And God gave me troubled people to help.

I asked for Favors...
And God gave me opportunities.

“I received nothing I wanted...
But I received everything I needed."

Live life without fear, confront all obstacles and evince that you can overcome them.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010










《中國達人秀》(China's Got Talent)是東方衛視製作的真人秀節目,屬於《英國達人》(Britain's Got Talent)系列,由3名評判去評定參賽者的表演,逐級淘汰,最後選出得勝者。《英國達人》著名評判Simon Cowell賽前還特別透過一段短片,表達了對《中國達人秀》的關注:“中國,我們就看你的了!”



在10月10日晚的決賽,劉偉壓軸出場,自彈自唱James Blunt的《You're Beautiful》,上海體育場和電視觀眾也共同見證了他的堅毅和美麗。評判之一的伊能靜賽後大呼:“我回去會再讓我兒子看這一段!”劉偉也成為唯一一個獲評判拉票的選手,另一名評判高曉松直接呼吁觀眾:“希望大家能投票給劉偉,你代表了很多達人應該有的東西。而且我們對你的期望更高,你應該到更大的地方去兼濟天下!”而周立波則帶領現場觀眾為剛在10月7日度過23歲生日的劉偉唱生日歌,現場一片感動。














《中國達人秀》(China's Got Talent)是中國東方衛視製作的真人騷節目,自今年7月25日開始每週日晚在東方衛視播出,節目旨在讓身懷絕技的普通人實現夢想。它與《英國達人》的製作公司同為Fremantle Media,比賽的模式也類似。節目主持人為程雷,評判分別是高曉松、伊能靜與周立波。

Monday, October 11, 2010


董事長從該青年的履歷上發現,該青年成績一 貫優秀,從中學到研究生從來沒有間斷過。
董事長問,是你的父親 為您付學費嗎?該青年回答,我父親在我一歲時就去世了,是我的母親給我付的學費。
董事長問,那你的母親是在那家公司高就?該 青年回答,我的母親是給人洗衣服的。
董事長問,你幫你母 親洗過衣服嗎?該青年回答,從來沒有,我媽總是要我多讀書,再說,母親洗衣服比我快得多。
董事長說,我有個要求,你今天回家,給你母 親洗一次雙手,明天上午你再來見我。
該 青年給母親洗著手,漸漸地,眼淚掉下來了,因為他第一次發現,他母親的雙手都是老繭,有個傷口在碰到水時還疼得發抖。
青年第一次體會到,母親就是 每天用這雙有傷口的手洗衣服為他付學費,母親的這雙手就是他今天畢業的代價。
該青年回答說,我給母親洗完手之後, 我幫母親把剩下的衣服都洗了。
該青年說,第一,我懂得了感恩,沒有我 母親,我不可能有今天。第二,我懂得了要去和母親一起勞動,才會知道母親的辛苦。第三,我懂得了家庭親情的可貴。
董事長說,我就是要錄取一個會 感恩,會體會別人辛苦,不是把金錢當作人生第一目標的人來當經理。你被錄取了。
假如一位孩子從小嬌生慣養,習 慣了被人圍著寵著,什麼都是“我”第一,父母的辛苦都不知道,上班後,以為同事都應該聽他的,當了經理後,不知道員工的辛苦,還要怨天尤人。這樣的人,會有好的學校成績,會有得意風光的一時,但社會上的這類人,都不能成大事,都不會感覺到幸福,都要跌跟鬥,那父母是愛孩子呢還是害孩子呢?
你可以讓你的孩子住 大房子,吃大餐,學鋼琴,看大屏電視,但你在割草時,也要讓你的孩子在大太陽下拔拔野草,你在吃飯後,也要讓你的孩子洗洗碗,不是你沒有錢雇人,而是你真心愛孩子。你要讓孩子知道,即使父母掙不少錢,但早早的白髮,和那位洗衣服的母親沒有本質的差別。但更重要的是,要讓你的孩子學會感恩。